Speed Test – Test My Internet Speed

Check My Internet Speed

Speed test provides the overall download and uploading speed stats of your internet connection. When you perform this operation it will measures the Ping time, Upload speed & download speed on your internet connection. From this test, you will know how well your network connection is working. This action will take only a few seconds to measure how much time your internet takes to Upload and download the data.

What Is Upload Speed

Upload speed is nothing but an action, which means how much time takes to upload or transfer data between networks. If you upload your photo or video to the internet it will send the data to the internet, if your internet speed is good, then it will be completed quickly.

What Is Download Speed

When you try to download data of files from the internet, it will take some time to download files to your local computer. if your network connection is good, it will take less time to download files.

What Is Ping or Latency

Ping or latency is the delay Time in taking data from your computer to another computer on the network. This is the time required by the data packet to reach the destination from the source